I remember when I called Baby Love for the first time back in the late spring of 2007, at their Fort Myers location. I didn't have health insurance at the time and was trying to get approved for pregnancy medicaid. I had called around that day to different medical centers, trying to find one that would give me a pregnancy test and provide me with the results to give to Medicaid for proof of pregnancy. Everywhere I called, I was turned down because I wasn't seeing a doctor at that time. I was 20 years old and didn't know what to do..was scared out of my wits! My last call was to the Birth Center and they invited me to come by and they would help me.

When I went in, it was a small crowded space, but felt homey and lived in...comfortable, even for the little space. After the test, Sam had asked me if I had a birth plan. I didn't know what she was talking about. When she explained to me what that was, I simply answered, "I have NO idea." She asked if I had heard about water birth, which I had not, and offered for me to come back for a full tour of the center. I came back and got to sit down and find out what it was all about. I have always been uncomfortable at hospitals and seeing doctors, so when she opened up my eyes to water birth at the Birth Center, I was amazed and excited that it was an option out there and had decided right then that it was exactly how I wanted to have my son Wyatt. As time went on, I grew to really appreciate Sam and what she offered for moms to be.

Toward the end of my pregnancy, she was in the process of having her new location in Cape Coral constructed. I was looking forward to it mainly because it was closer to where I lived, but time was cutting close to whether or not it would be ready for when it was time. On November 10, 2007, Wyatt's was the first official birth at the Birth Center in Cape Coral, after they just got their certificate of occupancy. Talk about close call! I was planning on having him in the Garden Room, but the tub wasn't ready. His name is the very first that we signed on the bathroom door of the Angel Room.

I will never forget my first experience there. While I was in labor, I kept thinking, 'Where is Sam?!' expecting her to be at my side for the entire event. Later I realized why and appreciated her distance. She was there when I needed her (resting while I didn't) and that is ALL that mattered.

I have people ask me, "How is it different than a hospital birth? Is it better?" I tell them, first off, I don't know the difference, never had a hospital birth to compare, and I chuckle at myself. What I do know is that I don't have to worry about being hooked up to medical equipment, getting drugged up so I don't even experience the amazing venture of natural birth, or having strangers in and out of the room while I'm at my most vulnerable state. So when I think of it that way, I answer, "yes, it is better" for those who are able to birth naturally (some women may not be able to because of health concerns). Think of it this way, women have been having babies since the existence of man at a time when there were no hospitals. We are born with the ability to reproduce and if we can have our babies the natural way, then we should.

I went back to Baby Love Birth Center for my daughter, Pepper, born January 24, 2011. I felt like a seasoned expert that go-around, lol. I decided to have her in the Angel Room just like I did with Wyatt and so her name is also on that door. With Pepper, I had the pleasure of Ivey's midwifery experience. At first I was upset that Sam couldn't be the one to deliver Pepper as she was who I was used to seeing on my appointments most often and because she delivered Wyatt, but I am glad I had the experience with Ivey because it created a special bond for me. To this day I remember her face as she was telling me to calm down when I started freaking out her calmness was what kept me stable and able to relax as she was entering this world.

Now here I am, 25 weeks along with my third baby (we didn't wait too long for this one lol) and just thinking back to the others and looking forward to the experience to come. We found out we're having a boy this time. I'm sooooo excited to be back at the Birth Center again and hope that I can have him in the Angel Room as well.

The ladies at the Birth Center are awesome! They welcome you as if you are apart of their family. I have recommended Baby Love ever since the beginning and I will continue to spread the word about the experience of water birth and THE place to go to have your baby the natural way :) ? ya'll!!!