These pictures are of a baby girl's birth at the old FT Myers Family Birth Center. The family prefers to remain anonymous, but hopes you enjoy the pictures.




The birth took place in the Jacuzzi tub in the Angel Room. With each contraction, a little more of the baby comes out.

In this photo, just the head and right arm are born.










Now, the baby is born to her hips; the legs are still inside.

Notice that the baby has her eyes open and she is completely relaxed. The DIVE reflex keeps her from breathing until she is brought out of the water.










What a peaceful way to enter this world... She knows not to breathe underwater, after all water has been her home.

The temperature and pressure change when she comes out of the water will signal her to start breathing.


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Mom is ecstatic at the birth of her daughter.
Dad cutting the cord.
 What does baby think? WaterBirth is okay!